Effi: Finnish police censors a critic of censorship

| *This is an English translation of the original Finnish press release at*
| http://www2.effi.org/julkaisut/tiedotteet/lehdistotiedote-2008-02-12.html

| Press release 12 February 2008
| Electronic Frontier Finland – Effi ry

Effi: Finnish police censors a critic of censorship

Electronic Frontier Finland (Effi) demands the `National Bureau of
Investigation`__ (NBI) of Finland to explain why it has censored a net
site that criticises Internet censorship.

__ http://www.poliisi.fi/poliisi/krp/home.nsf/pages/indexeng

NBI maintains a secret blocking list of web sites allegedly containing
child pornography, pursuant to a law passed last year. *[Most of the major Finnish
Internet service providers use this list in a DNS based
filtering system under pressure from the government.]* The purpose of
the law is to prevent the access to the foreign sites that contain
child pornography.

Now the censorship list has been appended with a site called
`lapsiporno.info`__ *[translates to childpornography.info]* that is
maintained by a Finnish Internet activist Matti Nikki. The site does
not contain child pornography, but articles that criticise censorship
and a list of blocked IP addresses.

__ http://lapsiporno.info/

Leena Romppainen, a member of the Effi board wonders: “If the site
really had some illegal content, wouldn’t the correct solution
be to take the site down and take the site owner to the court? The site is
located on a Finnish server and the name of the site owner appears
visibly on the root page of the site.”

“The whole net censorship project is just a hat trick that is used to
sweep under the carpet the real problem, that is, the sexual abuse of
the children”, shoots Tero Tilus, a member of the board of Effi.

Most of the censored sites are located either in the United
States or EU countries.

“The local authorities have taken no action on these sites. Therefore,
either the sites do not contain child pornography or the NBI has not
informed the local authorities”, says Leena Romppainen. “Both of the
alternatives are equally scary.”

Major part of the censored sites are legal adult sites. From the
beginning, there have also been attempts to expand the censorship for
example to the net poker sites.

“Some faceless official decides which sites the Finns may not see, and
this decision cannot be appealed. Now he has apparently decided that
net filtering may not be criticised”, finishes Tero Tilus.

Additional information

| Tero Tilus

| Leena Romppainen


*[Added some links in English]*

| Finnish ISPs Must Voluntarily Block Access, EDRi 8 September 2005, of the draft law,
| http://www.edri.org/edrigram/number3.18/censorshipFinland

*[Mostly in Finnish.]*

| Nyt sensuroitu sivusto
| http://lapsiporno.info/

| Kopioita sensuroidusta sivustosta
| http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/mjrauhal/lapsiporno.info/
| http://je.org/id/internet/sensuuri/1202828335132704.html

| Kai Puolamäen blogikirjoitus “Sähköiset oikeudet kuriin” viimeaikaisista estolistojen laajentamishankkeista
| http://www2.effi.org/blog/kai-2008-01-20.html

`Digitodayn uutinen listojen tehottomuudesta`__

__ http://www.digitoday.fi/tietoturva/2008/01/08/%22Lapsipornolistat+ovat+tehottomia+ja+laittomia%22/2008579/66

| Luettelo maista, joissa estolistalla olevat palvelimet ovat,
| http://je.org/id/internet/sensuuri/1202171746292110.html

| Tekniikka&Talous-lehden juttu 12.2.2008,
| http://www.tekniikkatalous.fi/ict/article59589.ece

| Laki lapsipornografian levittämisen estotoimista 1.1.2006/1068
| http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajantasa/2006/20061068

| “Salainen” estolista,
| http://je.org/sensuurilista/

| Entinen ministeri Huovinen (sd) lupasi aikoinaan läpinäkyvyyttä estolistaan,
| http://www.tietokone.fi/uutta/uutinen.asp?news_id=28865&tyyppi=1

| Web-sensuuri nostaa päätään – äänite- ja elokuvateollisuuden lobbarit vaativat PirateBayn sensurointia,
| http://www2.effi.org/blog/2008-02-08-Mikael-Storsjo.html

| Näin kierrät Internet-sensuurin,
| http://je.org/id/internet/1202414239038649.html

Electronic Frontier Finland ry (Effi) was founded in 2001 to defend
active users and citizens of the Finnish society in the electronic
frontier. Effi influences legislative proposals concerning
e.g. personal privacy, freedom of speech and user rights in copyright
law. We make statements, press releases and participate actively in
actual public policy and legal discussion. Effi also works in close
cooperation with organizations sharing same goals and values in the
Europe, United States and elsewhere. Effi is a founding member of the
European Digital Rights (EDRi). The members of the board and many
active members are experts in the fields of law and technology. Many
of us do University-level research on these matters. More information
from the web site of Effi at http://www2.effi.org/